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Travel Info

Important Note: All rights of the material provided below belong to the website Ouro Preto MG.

To reach Ouro Preto , you might prefer to get to Belo Horizonte first. It takes less than one hour to fly to Belo Horizonte from major cities like São Paulo or Rio de Janeiro. Airline companies such as TAM, GOL and AZUL have daily flights with several time schedules.

From Belo Horizonte, a bus or car trip to Ouro Preto takes less than two hours. Here’s a sample of distances between Ouro Preto and various access points:

From São Paulo: 745 km
From Rio de Janeiro: 417 km
From Confins International Airport: 145 km
From Belo Horizonte: 90 km


Ouro Preto Transportation Guide

Getting to Ouro Preto

By Plane

Travellers who are rushed for time have the option of flying either to Pampulha, Belo Horizonte’s domestic airport or to the Confins International Airport. Pampulha is approximately 40 km (25 miles) nearer to Ouro Preto than Confins. You can fly there from São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and other cities to Belo Horizonte.

For transport from the Confins airport to Belo Horizonte’s Bus Station (or from the Bus Station to the airport), we recommend taking buses from UNIR, which offer fast and affordable tickets (R$9,25 conventional bus). Tickets can be bought directly upon arrival at Confins Airport.


By Bus*

Buses arrive at Ouro Preto’s rodoviária (bus station). From there, it’s easy to walk downhill to the historic town centre. It’s best to buy tickets one day ahead during peak season. There are three bus companies operating services from here:


Viação Pássaro Verde (Ph: +55 31 3551-1081)

  • 10 daily services to Belo Horizonte from 07:00 hrs to 21:30 hrs – R$25,70, 2 hours
  • 1 daily service to Brasilia at 19:20 hrs – R$115,08, 11 ½ hours
  • 1 daily service from Brasilia at 19:15 hrs (on Sundays at 16:00) – R$111,57, 11 ½ hours


Viação Útil (Ph: +55 31 3551 3166)

  • 1 daily service to Rio de Janeiro at 7:30 hrs – R$122,00, 7 ½ hours
  • 1 daily service from Rio de Janeiro at 23:30 hrs – R$122,00, 5 ½ hours
  • 2 daily services to São Paulo at 10:50 hrs  – R$94,25 11½ hours.
  • 1 daily service from São Paulo at 20:00 hrs – R$95,65 10 ½ hours.


Some additional information on bus services operating from Ouro Preto:
Ouro Preto Bus Station: Terminal Rodoviário 8 de Julho
Address: Rua Padre Rolim, 661 – São Cristóvão
Phone: 55(31) 3559-3252
Open daily from 05:00 hrs to 23:00 hrs

* Prices are subject to change. Please contact the bus companies to check.


By Car

Ouro Preto is located on BR-356, approximately 90 km south-east of Belo Horizonte and around 18 km to the west of Mariana. It takes less than one hour to fly to Belo Horizonte from major cities like São Paulo or Rio de Janeiro. From here, a bus or car trip to Ouro Preto takes less than two hours.

If you are coming from Belo Horizonte take BR-040 to Rio de Janeiro, then get BR-356 and keep on going until you get to Ouro Preto.

Take BR-040 to Conselheiro Lafaiete if you are driving in from Rio de Janeiro in the south, then get on to the Ouro Branco Highway and keep going until you reach the state highway, MG-443. Transfer to the highway and drive for another 12 km until you reach Ouro Preto.

If you’re driving from São Paulo, take BR-381 to Lavras and then BR-265 to Barbacena. From Barbacena, follow BR-040 towards Belo Horizonte.

From Ouro Preto’s town centre, driving distances to other cities are: Belo Horizonte – 90 km, Brasilia – 860 km, São Paulo – 745 km, Rio de Janeiro – 417 km and Salvador – 1468 km.


Car hire companies:

Car hire – Localiza
Rua Padre Rolim, 700
Tel: 55 31 3551-5131
Website: http://www.localiza.com

Car hire – Locadora Elias
Rua Vitóriio Zanetti, 14 – Lagoa
Tel: 55 31 3552-4029
Website: http://www.locadoraelias.com.br/

Car hire – Locadora Auto Táxi Resende
Rua Alvarenga, 644
Tel: 55 31 3551-2388