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Economic Sciences

Economic Sciences

The Course:

It focuses on the production and distribution of goods and services between individuals and societies. The student will learn about the facts linked to the production and consumption of goods and services, which may or may not involve money. The training of these professionals uses the categories of economic thought and the tools of the economic policy. Thus, it emphasizes a training focused on developing a heightened sensitivity in the student in order to help them understand economic phenomena. The student will have access to a specific theoretical training associated with a solid historical approach. The subjects include Financial Mathematics, Statistics, Econometrics, besides those which deal with the currents of economic thought. This way, the student understands both the Brazilian and the international economic evolution. The course also has a research center, a laboratory, a conjuncture group, as well as master and doctorate degrees in Economics.

Professional prospects:

The bachelor may act in almost all economic sectors of society, both in the public and in the private sectors. They help building, expanding and preserving the assets of individuals, companies and governments. Work-related activities include economic-financial forecasting, programming and analyzing of investments of several sorts in the sectors of trade, services, industry and finances. The professional can conduct studies and analyze opinions which are relevant to economic issues, reportings, reviews and arbitrations. It is possible for them to work teaching Statistics, Economics and Finances in technical courses and in colleges. They can also work in consulting and economic advisory firms and with project development and analysis.


More information: +55 (32)2102-3525/(32)2102-3540