Prof. Erivelton Geraldo Nepomuceno

Nome: Erivelton Geraldo Nepomuceno



Área de competência: Chaos, Complex Systems, Computer Arithmetic. Interval Arithmetic. System Identification

Erivelton G. Nepomuceno received the BSc degree (UFSJ) and PhD (UFMG) in Electrical Engineering. He is currently Associate Professor at UFSJ and leader of Control and Modelling Group (GCOM). Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Imperial College London. Researcher Visitor at Technological Institute of Aeronautics – ITA and Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University.

Associate editor for: 1) IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs; 2) Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems; 3) IEEE Latin America Transactions. 4) Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Editorial Board: Neural Computing & Applications;

Technical Commitee: 1) Nonlinear Circuits and Systems – IEEE CAS; 2) System Identification and Data Science for Brazilian Association of Automatica; 3) IEEE Senior Member. Research topics: chaos, complex systems, computer arithmetic, interval arithmetic, system identification.

He has published 64 journal papers, 162 conference papers and he has reviewed more than 250 papers for over 45 journals. Scientific Social Networks: Google Scholar, Publons, Orcid, Researchgate, Scopus.