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Registrations will be accepted until the event date. Payments can be made ​​in cash at the help desk (credit cards will not be accepted)

Notes on Registration Process and Payment


The Induscon 2014 and LuxAmerica 2014 Local Committees inform that the registration process is now open.

By now, authors of accepted papers or any person intending to attend the conferences may want to know all the fees that are going to be adopted during the registration process, which are shown in Table 1.


 Table 1 – Induscon 2014 and LuxAmerica 2014 Registration Fees
 # Attendee Category Payment up to
October 25, 2014
Payment after October 25 orOn-site Payment


IEEE Member (Full)

R$ 450,00

R$ 550,00


Non-Member (Full)

R$ 600,00

R$ 700,00


IEEE Student Member

R$ 150,00

R$ 200,00


Other Students

R$ 250,00

R$ 300,00


Additional Paper Fee

R$ 150,00



R$ 50,00

R$ 50,00

*be aware of attendees limit



  1. At least one of the co-authors of accepted papers must register before October 25th, 2014, paying one of the full member fees (options 1 or 2 of Table 1). The online registration form will provide a specific field to be filled with the correspondent paper codes.
  2. In the case you have more than one paper approved, each full registration allows the payment of one “Additional Paper Fee” (option 5 of Table 1) for the second paper.
  3. In the case of three or more accepted papers, additional full registrations (and optional additional paper fees) must be provided for each pair of papers. It is recommended that additional pair of papers be associated to another coauthor in full registration categories.
  4. Authors from Brazilian universities may opt to register by using a Payment Agreement (Nota de Empenho: Contactar a FCT – Fundação Centro Tecnológico de Juiz de Fora – para obter os dados necessários para a Nota de Empenho; falar com Daniela 32-3231-2318. Data limite para pagamento ou efetivação da nota de empenho: 05/11).
  5. All kind of registrations allow the atende to enter any session of both conferences, Exhibitors Area, coffee breaks, Plenary Sessions, Opening Cocktail and to receive the conference proceedings and printed program.
  6. Full-registrations allow atendees to enter the Closing Dinner.
  7. Only registered atendes (options 1 to 5 of Table 1) may register themselves to the Tutorials sessions.
  8. Foreign authors of accepted papers are advised to register themselves before October 25th in order to guarantee their papers be included in the Conference Final Program. See next item for payment details.
  9. Foreign attendees or authors not residing in Brazil  should pay their registrations in cash at the Conference Registration Desk (On-site registration). No credit/debit cards will be accepted. The registration fee will be paid accordingly to the date of registration; if before October 25th, reduced fees (3rd column in Table 1) will be charged.
  10. IEEE members (options 1 and 3 of Table 1) must inform their valid (2014/2015) IEEE numbers during registration process.
  11. During your registration, there will be an option for Registration Type: With/without companion. If “With companion” is chosen, a value of R$200,00 will be added to the payment. The accompanying person is allowed to attend coffee-breaks and gala dinner at the conference. This option is not allowed for student or professional registrations.
  12. Cancellations must be submitted in writing by email to evento.induscon2014@ufjf.edu.br. All cancellations received before November 07, 2014 are entitled to a full refund. Cancellations received between November 07 and November 20 are only entitled to a 50% refund. No refunds or credits will be given to registrants who cancel after November 20, 2014 or who fail to attend the Conference – absolutely no exceptions will be made for any reason, including medical or family emergencies or weather conditions. Substitutions for paid registrants may be made at any time. However, written notice is required, and for complete accuracy, must include all pertinent changes for the substituting attendee. Refund will be processed after the event.
  13. IMPORTANT: IEEE requires that all the accepted and registered papers MUST be presented during the conference. However, authors can ask a colleague (not necessarily a co-author) to present his/her paper during the event (oral or poster), a situation that must be notified to the conference chairs.